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field officer中文是什么意思

用"field officer"造句"field officer"怎么读"field officer" in a sentence"field officer"的同义词


  • 陆军校级军官。
  • "field"中文翻译    n. 1.原野,旷野;(海、空、冰雪等的)茫茫一片。 2 ...
  • "officer"中文翻译    n. 1.官员,办事员,(高级)职员。 2.【军事】军官 ...
  • "chief field service officer" 中文翻译 :    外勤事务主任干事
  • "communications officer field support" 中文翻译 :    外地支助通信干事
  • "field (grade) officer" 中文翻译 :    校官
  • "field engineering officer" 中文翻译 :    外派工程干事
  • "field information officer" 中文翻译 :    外派信息干事
  • "field logistics officer" 中文翻译 :    外地后勤干事
  • "field officer course" 中文翻译 :    校官班
  • "field petroleum officer" 中文翻译 :    野外油料管理员
  • "field post officer" 中文翻译 :    野战邮政官员
  • "field protection officer" 中文翻译 :    外勤保护干事
  • "field security coordination officer" 中文翻译 :    外勤安保协调干事
  • "field security officer" 中文翻译 :    外勤保安员
  • "field service officer" 中文翻译 :    外勤事务干事
  • "field welfare officer" 中文翻译 :    外勤福利干事
  • "intermediate field service officer" 中文翻译 :    三等外勤事务干事; 中等外勤事务员
  • "junior field service officer" 中文翻译 :    初等外勤事务干事; 初等外勤事务员
  • "principal field service officer" 中文翻译 :    特等外勤事务员
  • "senior field service officer" 中文翻译 :    高级外勤事务员
  • "field relief and social services officer" 中文翻译 :    外地救济和社会服务干事
  • "officer" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.官员,办事员,(高级)职员。 2.【军事】军官,武官;警官;法警;【航海】(商船的)船长,高级船员。 3.干事,理事。 a police officer 警官。 a public officer 官员。 an officer of state 〔英国〕大臣。 a commanding officer 司令官。 a general officer 将级军官。 a flay officer (海军)将官。 a chief petty officer 【海军】〔英国〕上士,〔美国〕军士长。 a petty officer 1st [2nd] class 【海军】〔英国〕中士[下士],〔美国〕上士[中士]。 a military [naval] officer 陆[海]军军官。 an officer of the day 【军事】值日军官。 an officer of the watch 舰上值班军官。 officers and men 官兵。 a first officer 【航海】一级驾驶员,大副。 officer of the day [week] 值日[星]官。 officer's morale 〔军俚〕威士忌。 vt. 〔常用被动式〕 1.给…配置军官[高级船员]。 2.(做军官)指挥,统率。 3.管理。 officer an army 给军队配备军官。
  • "s officer" 中文翻译 :    文件干事
  • "field" 中文翻译 :    n. 菲尔德〔姓氏〕。 n. 1.原野,旷野;(海、空、冰雪等的)茫茫一片。 2.田地,牧场;割草场;〔pl.〕〔集合词〕土地,田野;(地上的)庄稼。 3.广场,工作场。 4.(矿物的)产地,煤田,油田。 5.战斗,战役;战场,战地,作战训练[演习]区域。 6.【体育】(跑道以内的)运动场;田赛场 (opp. track), 赛球场,【棒球】外场;(全体)外场守场员;(全体)运动员;(全体)游猎者;【赛马】(热门马以外的)马。 7.活动地,舞台;范围,方面,界(如学术界)。 8.【物理学】场;力场;区;【数学】域;(望远镜等的)视界,视域。 9.(画等的)底子,【影,电视】画面,镜头。 10.影响人们行为的各种因素的综合;环境。 11.扫描场〔尤指隔行扫描制的半帧〕;【计算机】信息[符号]组,字段。 beast of the field 野兽。 a field of sea [sky] 海域[天空]。 a snow field 雪原。 a wheat field 小麦地。 a coal field 煤田。 a bleaching field 漂白场。 a flying field 飞机场。 a good field 坚强的选手阵容。 gravitational field 重力场,引力场。 a hard-fought field 激战(地)。 magnet field 磁场。 a maiden field 未采的油田[矿区]。 real number field 【数学】实数域。 root field 【数学】根域。 a single field 一个对一个地打,单打。 terraced fields 梯田。 the field of battle 战场。 field of force 【物理学】力场。 a field of research 研究范围。 a new field of inquiry 研究的新领域。 a field of observation [view, vision] 视界;视野。 the visual field 视界,雷达可见区。 be in the field 1. 从军,参战,参加竞赛。 2. 【物理学】在某种物理能的作用范围内。 be out in left field 〔美俚〕发疯。 conquer the field 获胜,占优势。 enter the field 上场,上阵。 fair field and no favour 均等的比赛条件,公平无私。 field of fire 【军事】射界。 field of honour 决斗场,战场。 hold [keep, maintain] the field 守住阵地。 in one's own field 在自己本行内。 in the field 1. 实地,在现场。 2. 在某一行中。 lead the field 带头追猎。 leave sb. a clear field 给人行动自由。 leave sb. the field 输给某人。 leave the field open 不加干涉。 lose the field 败退。 play the field 〔美俚〕交好几个异性朋友;避免对专一的对象承担义务。 take the field 出阵,开战。 take to the field 接防,接守。 win the field 〔古语〕取得胜利,获胜。 vt. 1.(棒球、板球运动中)接[截](球),守(球)。 2.使(球队或球员)入场,把…投入战场。 3.把(谷物等)曝露场上。 4.当场圆满答复。 vi. (棒球赛等)担任外场员或守队队员;【赛马】冷门马。 adj. 1.田间的,野生的;野外的。 2.实地的。 field care 田间管理。 field crops 大田作物。 field flowers 野花。 field operations 野外作业。 a field worker 实地工作者。 n. -er (棒球、板球的)外场员,守队队员。
  • "in field" 中文翻译 :    入射场; 野外的


  • He despised the six field officers at the adjacent table .
  • He had therefore to be in regular communication with his field officers .
  • Field officer ii posts are divided into four different work streams
  • Census statistics department field officers statistics supervisors amalgamated association
  • Last week i n berl i n he assassinated two men - one a highly experienced field officer
  • Last week i n berl i n he assassinated two men - - one a highly experienced field officer
  • Through 1948 , however , the discipline and loyalty of the field officers and the generals in the combat areas was badly shaken
  • For example , we are working on a programme for the use of hand - held devices for field officers to facilitate their work on site
  • " this trend is not just taking place among young soldiers but among young men in general , so i shouldn ' t be too worried about it , " one field officer was quoted as saying
    报道援引一位陆军军官的话说: “这一趋势不仅在年轻士兵中盛行,在普通的年轻男孩中也如此,因此我无需太担心。 ”
  • In response to the audit commission s report no . 31 , which was released in november 1998 , c & sd had devised and put in place enhanced measures to strengthen the supervision and control of field officers
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"field officer"造句  


  • an officer holding the rank of major or lieutenant colonel or colonel
    同义词:field-grade officer, FO,


A field officer is an army, marine, or air force commissioned officer senior in rank to a company officer but junior to a general officer; in some navies, it is an officer who is a Lieutenant Commander, Commander, or Captain.
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